segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012

Empire Avenue: Missions, pay eaves to visit your links

Blog: Empire Avenue Missions

Empire Avenue is a game played online worldwide, where you have to make investments, and your wealth is earned according to your activity on social networks.
Here's a post with tips for the Empire Avenue
You can invest in me at

This is a feature of 'Empire Avenue ", good for beginners in the game to gain some eaves quickly and easily, and the richer they can promote their sites. You can access the section of missions in The ideia is to make users aware of the pages of the creators, by being paid eaves for it.

Complete Missions
"Complete a mission" means clicking a button that takes you to a page, can be a page in the EAV, or a social networking page. It has a description of what is the link and what is the goal of the mission, for example, to become a Twitter follower, Facebook Fan, to invest if you like the dividends, or go to another site to see and share something. But you do not have to do anything, you clic the button and go to the link and get paid for it. You can be paid from 500e to 50.000e for a click, but the normal is 500e to 2500e. There is a limit of numbers of people who can click to receive, when reached this limit, no one else will be paid to complete the mission. Note that the links may not be safe, make sure it is safe before clicking.

Create Missions
These missions can be created by anyone, but you will have to have money in the bank to create a mission. In "Create Mission" you can fill the form according to your preference and money to invest. With the title and description, price limit per visit and number of visits, and even some preferences to limit who can complete the mission. You will also have to pay a fee to the EAV for creating the mission. The total amount due will appear in a space on the right side of the page.

Limit of Missions
There is a limit of missions in a short time, to prevent people to complete all missions without interest in the content only to receive the eaves that will be paid for the mission. The limit is 10 suddenly given way, after taht you will be prevented from doing more for some time. You will get the following message: We have noticed you have completed a lot of Missions quickly today. To prevent abuse of the Missions system we have temporarily placed your account on a Missions cool-down, just for a little bit, to enable you to spend those Eaves you have just generated!!. Half an hour is the time it seems necessary to be able to do more missions.

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