quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2012

CloudPT: 16GB grátis de alojamento e sincronização de ficheiros

Blog Post: CloudPT

O que é o cloudPT
A PT lançou um serviço de armazenamento de ficheiros na «nuvem» chamado CloudPT. O serviço é gratuito e oferece 16GB de espaço para todos os portugueses, independentemente de serem clientes da PT ou não.

Envio e Sincronização
O serviço funciona a dropbox ou o serviço de «cloud» da Apple. O utilizador poderá guardar na «nuvem» qualquer tipo de ficheiro (vídeo, foto, música, documento, etc) através do seu computador (Windows, Mac, Linux) ou dispositivos móveis, como smartphones ou tablets (iOS, Android). E uma vez um ficheiro enviado, é imediatamente sincronizado com os seus dispositivos.

Partilha dos ficheiros
O serviço possibilita também ter os seus ficheiros como privados ou poder partilhar com outras pessoas. Podendo aceder aos ficheiros em qualquer lugar ou partilha-los nas redes sociais através de um endereço personalizado.

Poderá aceder ao serviço através de https://cloudpt.pt/

sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2012

«Gangnam Style» hits 1 billion (1,000,000,000) views on YouTube

Blog Post: Gangnam Style hits a bilion views

Viral Video
The music video "Gangnam Style» from the artist PSY, was a success from the moment it was posted on YouTube. Immediately became a viral video, everyone spoke of him in the social networks, everyone was curious to know about thar, and the views began to grow exponentially, the normal media outside the Internet also began to take interest in this success: radio played the music, the news channels on TV spoke of him, like MTV played the video, gave interviews, had invitations to attend events, and the views continued to grow by tens of millions per day.

Psy makes history in Internet
He had for some time taken the place of the most viewed video on YouTube, but on December 21, 2012, hits 1,000,000,000 (billion) views on YouTube, and became the first YouTube video to reach that number of views . Interestingly this date (December 21, 2012) is the date that the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world, the world has not ended, but this day is marked by this on the Internet.

The video was published on July 15, 2012, and took only 5 months and 6 days to reach one billion views. In November of the same year, four months later, exceeded the most viewed video on YouTube that belonged to Justin Bieber with the song 'Baby'. Sometimes with a highest number of views and other times with less, took only 156 days to reach 1,000,000,000 which gives an average of 6.4 million page views per day. The number will continue to increase, but having already one seventh of the world population watched the video on YouTube, and not everyone has access to the Internet, there should be not a lot more people with access to the Internet that has not yet seen the video.

«Gangnam Style» chega aos mil milhões (1,000,000,000) de visualizações no YouTube

Blog Post: Gangnam Style atinge mil milhes

Vídeo Viral
O video musical «Gangnam Style» do artista PSY, foi um êxito a partir do momento que foi publicado no YouTube. Desde logo tornou-se num video viral, todos falavam dele nas redes sociais, todos ficavam curiosos para conhecer, as visualizações começaram a crescer de forma exponencial, e os meios dos media comuns fora da rede também começaram a ter interesse por este sucesso: rádios passavam a música, era falado nos telejornais, canais como a MTV passavam o videoclip, entrevistas, convites para presenças, e as visualizações continuaram a crescer ás dezenas de milhões por dia.

Psy faz história na Internet
Já tinha a algum tempo tomado o lugar do vídeo mais visto do YouTube, mas no dia 21 de Dezembro de 2012, atingiu 1,000,000,000 (mil milhões) de visualizações no YouTube, e tornou-se no primeiro vídeo do YouTube a atingir esse número de visualizações. Curiosamente esta data (21 de Dezembro de 2012) é a data em que o calendário dos Mayas previa o fim do mundo, o mundo não acabou, mas este dia fica marcado por este feito na Internet.

1,000,000,000 de visualizações
O vídeo foi publicado a 15 de Julho de 2012, e levou apenas 5 meses e 6 dias a atingir os mil milhões de visualizações. Em Novembro do mesmo ano, 4 meses depois, ultrapassou o vídeo mais visto no YouTube que pertencia a Justin Bieber com a música «Baby». Entre épocas com maior número de visualizações e outras com menor, levou apenas 156 dias a chegar aos 1,000,000,000 o que dá uma média de 6,4 milhões de visualizações por dia. O número continuará a aumentar, mas tendo já supostamente um sétimo da população mundial já assistido ao vídeo no YouTube, e nem todos têm acesso à Internet, já não deve haver muito mais gente com acesso à Internet que ainda não tenha visto o vídeo.

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

Open Source Software as an alternative to commercial software

Blog Post: OpenSource Software

Why choose Open Source software?
When choosing an open source product, it has advantages for the user, not only will always be available for free, as can be improved by any programmer. An Open Source program can be changed and improved because they can have access to the entire source code, any user can make suggestions or report errors, and programmers are always open to feedback, is a software made ​​by all and for all, even creating communities dedicated to the improvement of certain programs, this benefits all.

Here I present a list of software with various categories and operating systems, which you can purchase for use as an alternative to commercial products, that not everyone can afford. The quality is not always equivalent to the commercial product, but in most cases it is sufficient for the needs of the user, or to the novice user start to learn how it works.

Apache Directory ServerjavaWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FirebirdsqlWindows, Mac, Linux
MySQLsqlWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenOffice Basehsql, radWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
SQLiterdbms, slqWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
SQLToolssql, oracleWindows
SQuirreL SQL ClientsqlWindows, Mac, Linux
Web Development
BluefishhtmlMac, Linux, Unix
Eclipseide, javaWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Komodo Editide, htmlWindows, Mac, Linux
XML Copy Editorxml, dtd, xsltWindows, Linux
Concrete5websiteWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
IceBBrssWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
KompoZerhtmlWindows, Mac, Linux
Liferay PortalwebWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Nucleus CMSblogWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenLaszloapplicationsWindows, Mac, Linux
phpBBforumWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Serna FreexmlLinux
Graphic Applications
Archimedescad, svgWindows, Mac, Linux
Blender3dWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
BRL-CAD3d, cadWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FreeCAD3d, cadWindows, Mac, Linux
GimpdrawingWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Inkscape2d, vector, svgWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
K-3D3dWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
MyPaintpaintingWindows, Mac, Linux
QCad Community EditioncadLinux, Unix
Internet and Network
aMSNchatWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FileZillaftpWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FrostWirebittorrentWindows, Mac, Linux
FirefoxbrowserWindows, Mac, Linux
Thunderbirde-mailWindows, Mac, Linux
Mumblechat, audioWindows, Mac, Linux
NagiosmonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux
NeDimonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
NeverNoteorganizerWindows, Linux
OpenNMSmonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenVPNencryptionWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
PandoramonitoringWindows, Linux
PidginchatWindows, Mac, Linux
PuTTYemulatorWindows, Linux
RSS BanditrssWindows
RSSOwlrssWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
VNCremote-desktopWindows, Linux, Unix
WengoPhonechat, videoWindows, Mac, Linux
Wiresharkpacket-snifferWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
xVideoServiceThiefyoutubeWindows, Mac, Linux
Amarokmp3, player, radioLinux
Ardouraudio, recordingLinux
AudacityaudioWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Avidemuxvideo-editingWindows, Mac, Linux
DVDStylerdvd-authoringWindows, Linux
Freevomedia centerMac, Linux
HandBrakedvd copyMac
Jokosheraudio, recordingWindows, Linux
Kedenlivevideo-editingMac, Linux
LMMSaudio, recordingWindows, Linux
MPlayermedia playerWindows, Mac, Linux
MuseScoreaudio, compositionWindows, Mac, Linux
Openshotvideo-editingWindows, Mac, Linux
Taksivideo captureWindows
Traverso DAWaudio editingWindows, Mac, Linux
VLC media playermedia playerWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Security and Privacy
Anti-Spam SMTP ProxyspamWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
BleachBitclean upWindows, Linux
Clam AntiVirusanti-virusLinux, Unix
KeePasspasswordWindows, Mac, Linux
TrueCryptencriptionWindows, Mac, Linux
Wiresharkpacket-snifferWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenOfficeofficeWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
AmandabackupMac, Linux, Unix
BaculabackupWindows, Linux, Unix
CDRDAOburningWindows, Linux, Unix
Clonezilladisk-cloningWindows, Linux
Cooperative Linuxvirtual machineWindows
Greenshotscreen captureWindows
Sumatra PDFpdf creatorWindows
VirtualBoxvirtual machineWindows, Mac, Linux
Xenvirtual machineWindows, Linux
XpdfpdfWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix

Programas Open Source como alternativa a programas comerciais

Blog Post: Programas OpenSource

Porquê optar por software Open Source?
Ao escolher um produto de código aberto (Open Source), tem vantagens para o utilizador, não só estará sempre disponível gratuitamente, como pode ser melhorado por qualquer programador. Um programa Open Source pode ser alterado e melhorado porque podem ter acesso a ver todo o seu código fonte, qualquer utilizador pode fazer sugestões ou reportar erros, e os programadores estão sempre abertos ao feedback, é um software feitos por todos e para todos, criando-se mesmo comunidades dedicadas à melhoria de certos programas, isso só traz vantagens para todos.

Aqui apresento uma lista de software com várias categorias e sistemas operativos, dos quais pode adquirir para usar como alternativa aos produtos comerciais que nem todos podem pagar. A qualidade nem sempre é equivalente ao produto comercial a que é equivalente, mas na maioria das vezes é suficiente para as necessidades do utilizador, ou para o utilizador principiante começar a aprender a trabalhar.

Database | Base de dados
Apache Directory ServerjavaWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FirebirdsqlWindows, Mac, Linux
MySQLsqlWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenOffice Basehsql, radWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
SQLiterdbms, slqWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
SQLToolssql, oracleWindows
SQuirreL SQL ClientsqlWindows, Mac, Linux
Web Development | Desenvolvimento Web
BluefishhtmlMac, Linux, Unix
Eclipseide, javaWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Komodo Editide, htmlWindows, Mac, Linux
XML Copy Editorxml, dtd, xsltWindows, Linux
Concrete5websiteWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
IceBBrssWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
KompoZerhtmlWindows, Mac, Linux
Liferay PortalwebWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Nucleus CMSblogWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenLaszloapplicationsWindows, Mac, Linux
phpBBforumWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Serna FreexmlLinux
Graphic Applications | Aplicações Gráficas
Archimedescad, svgWindows, Mac, Linux
Blender3dWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
BRL-CAD3d, cadWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FreeCAD3d, cadWindows, Mac, Linux
GimpdrawingWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Inkscape2d, vector, svgWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
K-3D3dWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
MyPaintpaintingWindows, Mac, Linux
QCad Community EditioncadLinux, Unix
Internet and Network | Internet e Rede
aMSNchatWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FileZillaftpWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FrostWirebittorrentWindows, Mac, Linux
FirefoxbrowserWindows, Mac, Linux
Thunderbirde-mailWindows, Mac, Linux
Mumblechat, audioWindows, Mac, Linux
NagiosmonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux
NeDimonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
NeverNoteorganizerWindows, Linux
OpenNMSmonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenVPNencryptionWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
PandoramonitoringWindows, Linux
PidginchatWindows, Mac, Linux
PuTTYemulatorWindows, Linux
RSS BanditrssWindows
RSSOwlrssWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
VNCremote-desktopWindows, Linux, Unix
WengoPhonechat, videoWindows, Mac, Linux
Wiresharkpacket-snifferWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
xVideoServiceThiefyoutubeWindows, Mac, Linux
Multimedia | Multimédia
Amarokmp3, player, radioLinux
Ardouraudio, recordingLinux
AudacityaudioWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Avidemuxvideo-editingWindows, Mac, Linux
DVDStylerdvd-authoringWindows, Linux
Freevomedia centerMac, Linux
HandBrakedvd copyMac
Jokosheraudio, recordingWindows, Linux
Kedenlivevideo-editingMac, Linux
LMMSaudio, recordingWindows, Linux
MPlayermedia playerWindows, Mac, Linux
MuseScoreaudio, compositionWindows, Mac, Linux
MusicBrainzaudio cleaningWindows, Mac, Linux
Openshotaudio cleaningWindows, Mac, Linux
Taksivideo captureWindows
Traverso DAWaudio editingWindows, Mac, Linux
VLC media playermedia playerWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Security and Privacy | Segurança e Privacidade
Anti-Spam SMTP ProxyspamWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
BleachBitclean upWindows, Linux
Clam AntiVirusanti-virusLinux, Unix
KeePasspasswordWindows, Mac, Linux
TrueCryptencriptionWindows, Mac, Linux
Wiresharkpacket-snifferWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Utilities | Utilitários
OpenOfficeofficeWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
AmandabackupMac, Linux, Unix
BaculabackupWindows, Linux, Unix
CDRDAOburningWindows, Linux, Unix
Clonezilladisk-cloningWindows, Linux
Cooperative Linuxvirtual machineWindows
Greenshotscreen captureWindows
Sumatra PDFpdf creatorWindows
VirtualBoxvirtual machineWindows, Mac, Linux
Xenvirtual machineWindows, Linux
XpdfpdfWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012

Tools to create a WebSite with Responsive Design to Desktops and Mobile Devices

Blog Post: Tools to create Responsive WebDesign

The design of WebSites is again having a clear evolution from the Web2.0, with the increased of access to web sites being made through smartphones and tablets (mobile devices), the designers must redesign the layout of the web sites for these may adapt to the small and vertical mobile devices.

Programmers and designers are committed to creating tools that allow the owner of a website to have a page that offers its users a better experience when browsing their domain.

I present a list of the best tools that currently can be found on the Web, so you can create a website with features ideal for your website so it can be responsive automatically when viewed on a desktop computer or on a mobile device, to always offer the user the best comfort when browsing the website.

Grid & Frameworks
Columnal http://www.columnal.com/
Skeleton http://www.getskeleton.com/
LessFramework 4 http://lessframework.com/
Semantic Grid System http://semantic.gs/
Golden Grid System http://goldengridsystem.com/
320 and Up http://stuffandnonsense.co.uk/projects/320andup/
Inuit.Css http://csswizardry.com/inuitcss/
Gridless http://thatcoolguy.github.com/gridless-boilerplate/
1140 CSS Grid http://cssgrid.net/
1KB CSS Grid http://www.1kbgrid.com/
Bootstrap http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/index.html
Fluid Grid Calculator http://csswizardry.com/fluid-grids/
Fluid Grids http://fluidgrids.com/
Flurid http://kflorence.github.com/flurid/
Grid Set http://gridsetapp.com/
Gridpak http://gridpak.com/
SimpleGrid http://simplegrid.info/
Susy http://susy.oddbird.net/
Tiny Fluid Grid http://www.tinyfluidgrid.com/
Variable Grid System http://grids.heroku.com/

Sketch Sheets & Wireframe
Responsive Web Design SketchSheets http://jeremypalford.com/arch-journal/responsive-web-design-sketch-sheets
Responsive Wireframes http://www.thismanslife.co.uk/projects/lab/responsivewireframes/
StyleTiles http://styletil.es/

JavaScript & JQuery Plugins
Adapt.js http://adapt.960.gs/
Isotope http://isotope.metafizzy.co/index.html
Masonry http://masonry.desandro.com/
Respond.js https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond
TinyNav.js http://tinynav.viljamis.com/
Wookmark JQuery Plugin http://www.wookmark.com/jquery-plugin

Testing & preview
ProtoFluid http://protofluid.com/
Responsive.Is http://responsive.is/
Responsivepx.Com http://responsivepx.com/
Responsive Web Design Testing Tool http://mattkersley.com/responsive/
ReView.js http://responsiveviewport.com/
Screenfly http://quirktools.com/screenfly/
Screenqueri.Es http://screenqueri.es/
The Responsinator http://www.responsinator.com/

Blueberry http://marktyrrell.com/labs/blueberry/
Elastislide http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/09/12/elastislide-responsive-carousel/
Responsive CSS3 slider http://responsive-slides.viljamis.com/
ResponsiveSlides.Js http://responsive-slides.viljamis.com/

Adaptive Images http://adaptive-images.com/
FitText.js http://fittextjs.com/
FitVid.Js http://fitvidsjs.com/
Retina Images http://retina-images.complexcompulsions.com/
Seamless Responsive Photo Grid http://css-tricks.com/seamless-responsive-photo-grid/
SlabText http://www.frequency-decoder.com/demo/slabText/
Zurb – Responsive Tablets http://www.zurb.com/playground/responsive-tables
Categorizr http://www.brettjankord.com/2012/01/16/categorizr-a-modern-device-detection-script/
The Responsive Calculator http://rwdcalc.com/

Ferramentas para criar um WebSite ágil adequado a desktops e dispositivos móveis

Blog Post: Ferramentas para criar um WebSite gil

O design dos WebSites está novamente a ter uma clara evolução desde a Web2.0, com o aumento dos acessos a sites web sendo feito através de smartphones e tablets (dispositivos móveis), os designer têm que redesenhar os layouts dos sites web para que estes se possam adequar aos pequenos e verticais dispositivos móveis.

Os programadores e designers apostam na criação de ferramentas que possibilitem ao comum dono de um sítio web poder ter uma página que ofereça ao seu utilizador uma melhor experiência ao navegar pelo seu domínio.

Apresento uma lista das melhores ferramentas que actualmente se podem encontrar na Web, para que possa criar um sítio web com características ideais para que o seu sítio web de possa adequar automaticamente quando visto num desktop (computador de mesa) ou num dispositivo móvel, sempre com o maior conforto para o utilizador.

Grelha e Quadros (Grid & Frameworks)
Columnal http://www.columnal.com/
Skeleton http://www.getskeleton.com/
LessFramework 4 http://lessframework.com/
Semantic Grid System http://semantic.gs/
Golden Grid System http://goldengridsystem.com/
320 and Up http://stuffandnonsense.co.uk/projects/320andup/
Inuit.Css http://csswizardry.com/inuitcss/
Gridless http://thatcoolguy.github.com/gridless-boilerplate/
1140 CSS Grid http://cssgrid.net/
1KB CSS Grid http://www.1kbgrid.com/
Bootstrap http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/index.html
Fluid Grid Calculator http://csswizardry.com/fluid-grids/
Fluid Grids http://fluidgrids.com/
Flurid http://kflorence.github.com/flurid/
Grid Set http://gridsetapp.com/
Gridpak http://gridpak.com/
SimpleGrid http://simplegrid.info/
Susy http://susy.oddbird.net/
Tiny Fluid Grid http://www.tinyfluidgrid.com/
Variable Grid System http://grids.heroku.com/

Páginas de esboço e Wireframes (Sketch Sheets & Wireframes)
Responsive Web Design SketchSheets http://jeremypalford.com/arch-journal/responsive-web-design-sketch-sheets
Responsive Wireframes http://www.thismanslife.co.uk/projects/lab/responsivewireframes/
StyleTiles http://styletil.es/

JavaScript e JQuery Plugins
Adapt.js http://adapt.960.gs/
Isotope http://isotope.metafizzy.co/index.html
Masonry http://masonry.desandro.com/
Respond.js https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond
TinyNav.js http://tinynav.viljamis.com/
Wookmark JQuery Plugin http://www.wookmark.com/jquery-plugin

Testes e visualização
ProtoFluid http://protofluid.com/
Responsive.Is http://responsive.is/
Responsivepx.Com http://responsivepx.com/
Responsive Web Design Testing Tool http://mattkersley.com/responsive/
ReView.js http://responsiveviewport.com/
Screenfly http://quirktools.com/screenfly/
Screenqueri.Es http://screenqueri.es/
The Responsinator http://www.responsinator.com/

Deslizar (Sliders)
Blueberry http://marktyrrell.com/labs/blueberry/
Elastislide http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/09/12/elastislide-responsive-carousel/
Responsive CSS3 slider http://responsive-slides.viljamis.com/
ResponsiveSlides.Js http://responsive-slides.viljamis.com/

Adaptive Images http://adaptive-images.com/
FitText.js http://fittextjs.com/
FitVid.Js http://fitvidsjs.com/
Retina Images http://retina-images.complexcompulsions.com/
Seamless Responsive Photo Grid http://css-tricks.com/seamless-responsive-photo-grid/
SlabText http://www.frequency-decoder.com/demo/slabText/
Zurb – Responsive Tablets http://www.zurb.com/playground/responsive-tables
Categorizr http://www.brettjankord.com/2012/01/16/categorizr-a-modern-device-detection-script/
The Responsive Calculator http://rwdcalc.com/

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

YotaPhone, a smartphone with dual screen

Blog Post: YotaPhone, a smartphone with dual LCD

The YotaPhone is a powerful Android-based phone with extended touch areas and HD resolution display. The electronic paper display (EPD) is your personal space for receiving notifications, linking to your social media, reading news as it happens or simply displaying your favorite pictures. The two sides are linked together to open a new world of unlimited user experiences.

Tech Specifications
Platform Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM 8960 Dual Core 1.5 Ghz Krait
OS OS Android, 4.2 Jelly Bean release
Dimensions 67x131(7.3/9.9) mm
Weight 140 grams
EPD Eink, 4.3”
LCD JDI, 4.3” 1280x720 (HD)
Connectivity LTE (bands 3, 7, 20 MIMO), 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi (Direct), BT, NFC
Memory 32 or 64 GB Flash, 2 GB RAM
Controls Gestures on the extended capacitive areas. Touch strip for EPD control.
Keys Power and Volume Keys
Connectors Magnetic Adaptor for charging and data, Audio 3.5mm
SIM slot SIM slot combined with Power key button
Battery 2100 mAh
Camera 12 MP main camera, HD front camera

sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012

Sapo a5 Smartphone (especificações)

Blog Post: Sapo a5 Smartphone

Sistema Operativo Android 2.2.2 (Froyo)
Dimensões Largura: 57mm
Altura: 115mm
Profundidade: 12,5mm
Peso 110g
Processador 600 MHz
Memória 512MB RAM
160 MB interna
Cartão microSD™ com 2GB incluído (slot até 32GB)
Conectividade 3.5G para acessos até 7.2mbps
Ecrã Táctil TFT de 3.5"
800x480 pixels
64.000 cores
Câmara 5 Megapixels
Zoom 5x
Autonomia Conversação até 3h 30m
Standby até 200h
Na embalagem 1 Telemóvel sapo a5
1 Bateria
1 Carregador
1 Manual do Telemóvel
1 Cartão e voz e sms e internet com €2,5 de chamadas

sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2012

As 50 melhores empresas para trabalhar: Facebook está no topo da lista!

Blog Post: As melhores empresas para trabalhar

Um estudo revelou que a empresa da maior rede social do mundo, o Facebook, é a empresa que os empregados preferem para trabalhar, e se sentem mais satisfeitos no seu dia a dia de trabalho. Este feito é devido à empresa se preocupar na conjugação entre a vida profissional e a vida pessoal dos seus trabalhadores, dando-lhes todas as condições para que se sintam satisfeitos, e se sintam felizes ao estar a trabalhar na empresa.

O estudo foi feito pela "Glassdoor", que entrevistou um milhão de trabalhadores nas diversas áreas e empresas nos Estados Unidos da América. Claro que os salários que são pagos por pela empresa de Mark Zuckerberg também influenciam a opinião dos trabalhadores, mas no final das contas, isso também leva a um trabalhador se sentir satisfeito.

Nestas 50 empresas, também se pode encontrar nomes como: Google, LinkedIn, que também são empresas baseadas em serviços da Internet, tendo os lugares 6º e 14º respectivamente. A Apple ficou em 34º, Intel em 31º, IKEA em 43º.

1 - Facebook
2 - McKinsey & Company
3 - Riverbed Technology
4 - Bain & Company
5 - M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
6 - Google
7 - Edelman
8 - National Instruments
9 - In-N-Out Burger
10 - Boston Consulting Group
11 - CareerBuilder
12 - Southwest Airlines
13 - Chevron
14 - LinkedIn
15 - Rackspace
16 - Gartner
17 - Akamai
18 - Shell Oil US
19 - Workday
20 - Cummins
21 - REI
22 - Salesforce.com
23 - Citrix Systems
24 - Trader Joe’s
25 - Slalom Consulting
26 - Orbitz Worlwide
27 - MITRE
28 - JetBlue
29 - MasterCard
30 - Agilent Technologies
31 - Intel
32 - Hyatt
33 - Red Hat
34 - Apple
35 - General Mills
36 - MathWorks
37 - Fluor
38 - Qualcomm
39 - Digitas
40 - Biogen Idec
41 - Northwestern Mutual
42 - SAP
43 - IKEA
44 - Dow Chemical
45 - Boeing Commercial Airplanes
46 - Costco Wholesale
47 - Intermountain Healthcare
48 - Turner Broadcasting
49 - Eaton
50 - Starbucks

quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2012

Canon EOS 6D (tech specifications)

Blog Post: Canon EOS 6D (tech specifications)

Body type Mid-size SLR
Sensor Max resolution: 5472 x 3648
Other resolutions: 3648 x 2432, 3648 x 2432, 2736 x 1824, 1920 x 1280, 720 x 480
Image ratio: 3:2
Effective pixels: 20.2 megapixels
Sensor photo detectors: 20.6 megapixels
Sensor size: Full frame (36 x 24 mm)
Sensor type: CMOS
Processor: Digic 5+
Image ISO: Auto, 100 - 25600 in 1/3 stops, plus 50, 51200, 102400 as option
White balance presets: 6
Custom white balance: Yes
Image stabilization: No
Uncompressed format: RAW
JPEG quality levels: Fine, Normal
Optics/Focus Autofocus: Contrast Detect (sensor), Phase Detect, Multi-area, Selective single-point, Single, Continuous, Face Detection, Live View
Manual focus: Yes
Number of focus points: 11
Lens mount: Canon EF mount
Focal length multiplier: 1×
Screen / viewfinder Articulated LCD: Fixed
Screen size: 3"
Screen dots: 1,040,000
Touch screen: No
Screen type: Clear View II TFT LCD
Live view: Yes
Viewfinder type: Optical (pentaprism)
Viewfinder coverage: 97 %
Viewfinder magnification: 0.71×
Photography features Minimum shutter speed: 30 sec
Maximum shutter speed: 1/4000 sec
Aperture priority: Yes
Shutter priority: Yes
Manual exposure mode: Yes
Subject / scene modes: Yes
Built-in flash: No
External flash: Yes (Hot shoe)
Continuous drive: Yes (4.5 fps)
Self-timer: Yes (2 or 10 sec)
Metering modes: Multi, Center-weighted, Spot, Partial
Exposure compensation: ±5 EV (at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV steps)
AE Bracketing: ±3 (3 frames at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV steps)
WB Bracketing: Yes (3 frames in either blue/amber or magenta/green axis)
Videography features Format: H.264
Microphone: Mono
Speaker: Mono
Resolutions: 1920 x 1080 (29.97, 25, 23.976 fps), 1280 x 720 (59.94, 50 fps), 640 x 480 (25, 30 fps)
Videography notes: 1080 and 720 intra or inter frame, 480 inter frame
Connectivity USB: USB 2.0 (480 Mbit/sec)
HDMI: Yes (HDMI Mini)
Wireless: Built-In
Remote control: Yes (Remote control with N3 type contact, Wireless Controller LC-5, Remote Controller RC-6)
Physical Environmentally sealed: Yes (Splash and dust resistant)
Battery: Battery Pack
Battery description: Lithium-Ion LP-E6 rechargeable battery & charger
Weight (inc. batteries): 770 g (1.70 lb / 27.16 oz)
Dimensions: 145 x 111 x 71 mm (5.71 x 4.37 x 2.8")
Other features Orientation sensor: Yes
Timelapse recording: Yes (by cable and PC)
GPS: BuiltIn
GPS notes: Image tagging and tracking modes

Sony Xperia J Smartphone XJST26PI (tech specifications)

Blog Post: Sony Xperia J Smartphone

Apps/ Software Pre-loaded : Facebook™ application1; Friends application; Google Talk™ application1; Google Talk™ video chat1; Multiple IM Speakerphone; Twitter™ (Timescape™ integration)1;Video chat readyXperia™ Timescape™; Xperia™ with Facebook™
Unlocked Dual-SIM capable : No
Pre-paid SIMs available : Yes
Unlocked : Yes
Size and Weight Product Dimensions : 4.9 x 2.4 x 0.4 inches
Weight : 4.4 ounces
Inputs and Outputs USB Port(s) : USB High speed 2.0 and MicroUSB support
Power/Battery Music Listening Time : Up to 39 hours 24 min2
Standby Time : Up to 607 hours2
Talk Time : Up to 5 hours 36 min2
Video Playback Time : Up to 8 hours 30 min2
Video Playback/Record Supported Format : 3GPP, MP4
Video Recording : Yes
Audio Audio Enhancements : Clear BassClear StereoManual equalizerPlayNow™ service1TrackID™ music recognition1“WALKMAN” application
Playback Supported Formats : MP3, 3GPP, MP4, SMF, WAV, OTA, OGG
Recording Supported formats : 3GPP, MP4, AMR
xLOUD Experience : Yes, Sony audio filter technology
Connectivity Bluetooth Technology : Yes
General : DLNA Certified®Media Transfer Protocol supportMicro USB supportNative USB tetheringMedia Go™1PC CompanionSynchronisation via Facebook™Synchronisation via SyncML™Synchronisation via Google™Synchronisation with computerSynchronisation via Microsoft®Exchange ActiveSync®USB High speed 2.0 supportUSB mass storageWi-Fi®Wi-Fi® Hotspot functionality
Location : aGPS
NFC Capable : No
Noise Suppression : No
Wireless LAN : Yes
Display Construction : Scratch-resistant
Resolution/ color spec : 854 x 480 pixels 16,777,216 color TFT
Size : 4.0 inches
Touchscreen : Capacitive touchscreen with on-screen QWERTY keyboardAuto rotationGesture input
Memory Capacities External : microSD™ card expansion, up to 32 GB
Internal Phone Storage : Up to 4GB
RAM (Processor) : 512 MB
Processing/ Platform CPU/ Processor : 1 GHz Qualcomm processor
Platform/ Operating System : Google Android 4.0
Camera Digital Optical Zoom : 4x
Enhanced Functionality : GeotaggingImage stabilizerSelf-timerSend to webTouch captureTouch focusVideo lightVideo recording
Front-facing Camera : VGA
Image Capture Supported Format : JPEG
Image Playback Supported Format : BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, WBMP
Data Transfer Rates GSM GPRS Up to 86 kbps;GSM EDGE Up to 237 kbps;UMTS HSPA cat 6 (upload) Up to 5.8 Mbps;UMTS HSPA cat 10(download) Up to 14.4 Mbps
Entertainment Enhanced Entertainment : Media browser; Motion gaming; Radio (FM radio with RDS); Sony Entertainment Network1; Video streaming YouTube™1
Internet-based : Google Play™Google™ search1Google Voice™ Search1Google Maps™ for Mobile withStreet view and Latitude™1NeoReader™ barcode scannerWeb browser (WebKit™)
Networks Cellular and Wireless : UMTS HSPA 850 (Band V), 1900 (Band II), 2100 (Band I) GSM GPRS/EDGE 850, 900, 1800, 1900
Supported Languages Albanian, Arabic, Basque, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Traditional (TW), Chinese Traditional (HK), Chinese simplified, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, English (US), Estonian, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, French (Canadian), Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lettish, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Sundanese, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
In the Box Stereo Headset (MH650C)
Battery, Embedded (1700mAh)
USB cable (EC600L)
Charger (EP800)

Sony Alpha NEX-7 Camera (tech specifications)

Blog Post: Sony Alpha NEX-7 Camera

Advanced Features Face Detection : On/On (Regist. Faces)/Off
Smile Shutter™ technology : Smile shutter (selectable from 3 steps)
Auto High Dynamic Range : Yes, (Auto Exposure Difference, Exposure difference Level (1-6 EV at 1.0 EV step), off)
Sweep Panorama : Horizontal (Wide/Standard), Vertical, and 3D Panorama
Exposure System Picture Effect(s) : 11 types (15 variations): Posterization (Color, B/W), Pop Color, Retro Photo, Partial Color (R,G,B,Y), High Contrast Monochrome, Toy Camera, Soft High-key, Soft Focus, HDR Painting, Rich-tone Monochrome, Miniature
Auto Exposure Lock : Yes (AE Lock with focus lock)
Color Temperature : 2500 - 9900 k with 15-step each Magenta/Green compensation (G7 to M7), Amber/Blue (A7 to B7)
Creative Style : Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Clear, Deep, Light, Portrait , Landscape, Sunset, Night Scene, Autumn leaves, Black & White, Sepia (Contrast (-3 to +3steps), Saturation(-3 to +3steps), Sharpness(-3 to +3steps))
D-Range Optimizer : Yes: (Auto, Level, Off)
Exposure Bracketing : Yes: (3 Continuous)
Exposure Compensation : +/-5.0 EV(1/3EV steps)
Exposure Settings : iAUTO, Program AE (P), Aperture priority (A), Shutter priority (S), Manual (M), Sweep Panorama (2D), 3D Sweep Panorama, Anti Motion Blur, Scene Selection
ISO : Auto (ISO 100-16000), Selectable (ISO 100 to 1600)
Metering : Advanced 1200-zone evaluative metering
Metering Modes : Multi-segment, Center-weighted, Spot
Metering Sensitivity : 0EV-20EV, (at ISO 100 equivalent w/ f/2.8 lens)
Noise Reduction : Long Exposure NR: (On/Off, available at shutter speeds longer than 1 second) High ISO NR: (High/Normal/Low)
Scene Mode(s) : Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Sports action, Sunset, Night portrait, Night View, Handheld Twilight
White Balance Mode : Auto,Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Incandescent, Fluorescent, Flash, Setting the color temperature, Color Filter, Custom
Imaging Sensor Imaging Sensor : Exmor™ APS HD CMOS sensor (23.5 X 15.6mm)
Processor : BIONZ™ image processor
Anti Dust : Charge protection coating on Low-Pass Filter and electromagnetic vibration mechanism
Pixel Gross : Approx. 24.7 megapixels
Effective Picture Resolution : Approx. 24.3 megapixels
Focal Length Conversion Factor : 1.5x
Color Filter System : RGB primary color filters
Optics/Lens Lens Mount Type : Sony E-mount
Weights and Measurements Dimensions (Approx.) : Approx. 4-3/4 × 2-3/4 × 1-11/16" (119.9 x 66.9 x 42.8mm) (W/H/D) excluding protrusions
Weight (Approx.) : Approx. 10.3 oz (291g) (excl battery & media)
Camera Lens Compatibility : Sony E-mount lens, (Sony A-mount lenses when used with LA-EA1 or LA-EA2 lens adaptor)
Camera Type : Sony E-mount interchangeable lens digital camera
Lens Mount Type : Sony E-mount
Flash Flash Compensation : ±3.0 EV (in 1/3 EV steps)
Flash Coverage : FOV coverage up to 18 mm (in the focal length)
Flash Metering System : Pre-flash TTL
Flash Modes : Auto, Fill-flash, Slow Sync., Rear Sync., Hi-speed sync., Wireless (with external flash), Off
Flash Type : Built-in, Pop-up Auto
Guide Number : 6 (in meters at ISO100)
Recycling Time : Approx. 4 sec.
Interface BRAVIA® Sync™ : Yes, via HDMI with compatible BRAVIA HDTV
DVDirect : Yes, via USB
HD Output : HDMI® (TypeC mini)
Memory Card Slot : Dual compatibility slot: Memory Stick PRO Duo™/Pro-HG Duo™/PRO-HG HX Duo™ media - SD, SDHC and SDXC memory card
PhotoTV HD : Yes, with BRAVIA Sync™ enabled HDTV and HDMI® cable
USB Port(s) : USB2.0 Hi-speed (mass-storage, MTP)
Power Battery Type : InfoLITHIUM® NP-FW50 (7.2V)
Number of Still Images : Approx. 430 images (CIPA standard)
Power Consumption (in Operation) : Approx. 1.5W
Software Supplied Software : PMB (Picture Motion Browser) v5.2; Image Data Converter SR v3.2; Image Data Lightbox SR v2.2
Operating System Compatibility : Windows XP SP3 (32-bit), Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1; Mac OS X (v10.3-?10.6), PMB is not compatible with Mac OS. Camera (via USB), Image Data Converter, and Image Data Lightbox software are compatible with Mac OS.
Drive System Continuous Shooting Speed : Continuous (Variable) Speed Priority (up to 10fps)
Drive Mode : Single-shot, Continuous, Speed Priority, Self-timer, Continuous Self-timer, Bracketing
Self-timer : 2-sec. or 10-sec. delay, (single, continuous 3 or 5 frames)
Shutter Speeds : 1/4000 to 30 seconds, bulb
Shutter Type : Electronically-controlled, vertical-traverse, focal-plane shutter
Focus Control Focus System : Contrast AF
Focus Points : 25 points
AF Modes : Single-shot AF(AF-S), Continuous AF(AF-C) selectable, Direct Manual Focus (DMF), Manual Focus
Focus Area : Multi Point AF (25 points), Center Weighted AF, Flexible Spot AF
Focus Sensitivity : 0 EV to +20 EV (at ISO100 conversion with F2.8 lens)
Manual Focus Assist : Yes MF assist(5.9x, 11.7x)
Focus Features : Predictive Focus Control, Focus Lock
AF Illuminator : Built-in LED, Range: approx. 18" - 9' (0.5m-3m)
LCD Display LCD Type : 3.0” TFT Xtra Fine™ LCD (921,600 pixels) w/TruBlack™ technology
Angle Adjustment : Up: Approx. 90 degrees, Down: Approx. 45 degrees
Brightness Control : Auto, Manual (5 steps between -2 to +2), Sunny Weather
Coverage : 100%
Live View : Yes, (Constant AF Live View)
Real-time image adjustment display : Yes(On/Off)
Histogram : Yes (On/off)
Peaking : Yes (MF only, Level setting: High/Mid/Low/Off), (Color: White/Red/Yellow)
Grid Display : Yes (On/off)
Customization : Brightness: Auto, Manual, Sunny Weather; Display Color: Black, White, Blue, Pink
Recording Media Type : Memory Stick PRO Duo™/Pro-HG Duo™/PRO-HG HX Duo™ media SD, SDHC and SDXC memory card
Color Space : sRGB, AdobeRGB
Still Image Mode : JPEG (Standard, Fine), RAW, RAW+JPEG
Still Image Size 16:9 : L size: 6000 x 3376 (20M) M size: 4240 x 2400 (10M) S size: 3008 x1688 (5.1M)
Still Image Size 3:2 : L size: 6000 x 4000 (24M) M size: 4240 x 2832 (12M) S size: 3008 x 2000 (6M)
Panorama Still Image Size : Horizontal Wide: 12,416 x 1,856 (23M) Horizontal Std.: 8,192 x 1,856 (15M) Vertical Wide: 2,160 x 5,536 (12M) Vertical Std.: 2,160 x 3,872 (8.4M) 3D Sweep Panorama: Horizontal Wide: 7152 X 1080 (7.7M) Horizontal Std.: 4912 X 1080 (5.3M) 16:9: 1920 X 1080 (2.1M)
Video Format : AVCHD / MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC (H.264))
Video Mode : AVCHD: PS - 1920 x 1080/60p@28Mbps FX - 1920 x 1080/60i@24Mbps FH - 1920 x 1080/60i@17Mbps FX - 1920 x 1080/24p@24Mbps FH - 1920 x 1080/24p@17Mbps MP4: HD - 1440 x 1080/ 30p@12Mbps VGA - 640 x 480/ 30p@3Mbps
Video Signal : NTSC color, EIA standards
Audio Format : Dolby Digital (AC-3) / MPEG-4 AAC-LC
Microphone/Speaker : Built-in stereo microphone; Built-in, monaural speaker
Still Image File Format : JPEG (DCF Ver. 2.0, Exif Ver.2.3, MPF Baseline compliant), RAW (Sony ARW 2.3format), 3D MPO (MPF Extended compliant)
Viewfinder Type : 0.50" XGA OLED EVF (Electronic viewfinder) (2,359k dots)
Diopter Adjustment : -4.0m-1 to +1.0m-1
Field of View : Approx. 100%
Magnification : 1.09x (with 50mm lens at infinity, -1m-1 )
In the Box NP-FW50 Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
USB cable (Mini B)
Body cap
Shoulder strap
BC-VW1 Battery Charger
Body Cleaning cloth

Compact camera redefined
Want a camera that fits in your pocket or purse, yet offers the quality and performance of one nearly twice its size? The NEX-7 is it—complete with a massive 24.3MP APS-C sensor and a through-the-lens OLED electronic viewfinder. Choose from a range of available lenses to achieve the perfect composition, then give the conveniently-placed Tri-Navi™ dials a spin for instant manual control. With Full HD video and up to 10 fps, the NEX-7 delivers the professional performance of a DSLR in a gorgeous, easy-to-carry package you can take anywhere.

Best-in-Class Resolution
Bigger sensors equal better pictures. The NEX-7 boasts a huge, 24.3MP APS-C sensor—the same size sensor used in most DSLRs—for ultra-high resolution and incredibly-detailed photos that make for gorgeous enlargements. With a sensor 13 times larger than the average compact camera, the NEX-7 offers the image quality and performance of a DSLR in about half the size and weight.

10 Photos in One Second
Whether shooting a sequence of your preschooler's somersault, or the game-changing instant when ball meets bat, you're sure to capture the most critical moments with up to 10 fps continuous shooting at full 24.3MP resolution (exposure and focus fixed at the first frame). It's ideal for high-speed sports photography or capturing the fast, fleeting moments other cameras miss. Standard continuous shooting is also available at up to 2.5 fps.

Make HD Movie Magic
Record crystal-clear HD movies in super-smooth 60p, standard 60i or richly-cinematic 24p—all at Full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution (records in 29-minute segments). Shoot in the industry-standard AVCHD™ codec for stunning fast-motion video with reduced distortion, or choose the web-friendly MP4 format for easy uploading to sites like Facebook® and YouTube™.

Control at Your Fingertips
Looking for a quick and intuitive way to set aperture, exposure, ISO and more—faster than ever? Three Tri-Navi control dials put everything at your fingertips for convenient manual control of aperture, exposure, ISO and more. You see the results instantly through the viewfinder or on the camera's tiltable 3.0" LCD. It's the perfect feature for experienced photographers who want immediate, hands-on access to up to three controls at once.

World's First OLED Viewfinder
There's never been anything quite like the Tru-Finder™ OLED electronic viewfinder, which brings eye-level, through-the-lens viewing to the NEX-7. Boasting 2359K dots and a high contrast ratio for top resolution and unprecedented brightness, images pop with clarity and detail making it easier than ever to compose your shots. You can even see the results of camera adjustments in real time through the viewfinder.

Fascinating Picture Effects
Let your imagination run free with 11 in-camera creative effects. Transform ordinary portraits into colorful, high-contrast works of art with Pop Color. Get the tilt-shift photography look with Miniature effect. Try Toy Camera for a nostalgic, lo-fi feel, or make your focal point pop with Partial Color effect. Plus, experiment with Posterization, Retro Photo, Soft Focus and more for unique photos you'll love to show off.

Sony Action Cam HDR-AS10/B (tech specifications)

Blog Post: Sony Action Cam HDR-AS10/B

Camera Camera Type : POV Action Cam
Auto Non Flicker : Yes
Gain Control : Auto
Optics/Lens Lens Type : Carl Zeiss® Tessar® Lens
Aperture : F2.8
Focal Length (35mm equivalent) : f=15.3mm, f= 5/8 inch
Minimum Focus Distance : Approx.1 3/16inch (Approx.30cm)
Angle of View : 170° (without SteadyShot), 120° (with SteadyShot)
Focal Distance : f=2.5mm, f=1/8inch
Steady Shot Mode:Active : 21.3mm
Convenience Features Date / Time Stamp : Yes (Rec Date and Time)
Media/Battery Indicator : Yes (recordable time) / Yes (remaining capacity)
Multiple Language Display : English
Fast Playback : About 5 times/10 times
Image Management File Repair : Yes (AUTO)
On Screen Main Indicators : Recording Mode; Image stabilization
Weights and Measurements Dimensions (Approx.) : Approx. 31/32inch x 1 7/8inch x 3 1/4inch (Approx. 24.5mm x 47.0mm x 82.0mm)
Weight (Approx.) : Approx. 2oz (Approx. 65g)
Weight (Approx.) (Total) : Approx.90g (NP-BX1(supplied battery))
Imaging Sensor Recording pixels (photo, 16:9) : Approx.11900000 pixels
Media Format Quick Format (Initialize) : Memory Card
Imaging Sensor Imaging Sensor : 1/2.3" (7.77mm) back-illuminated Exmor® R CMOS Sensor
Processor : BIONZ® image processor
Pixel Gross : Approx.16800K pixels
Effective Picture Resolution : Approx.11900K pixels (16:9)
Color Filter System : RGB primary color filters
Exposure System Metering Modes : Multi-segment
Exposure Settings : Auto
Noise Reduction : Yes
White Balance Mode : Auto
Minimum Illumination : 6 lux
Backlight Compensation : Yes (Auto)
Gain Control : Auto
Advanced Features Waterproof : Yes (In use with Waterproof Case (SPK-AS1))
Dustproof : Yes (In use with Waterproof Case (SPK-AS1))
Image Stabilization : SteadyShot™ image stabilization w/ Active mode
Interval Recording : Yes (photo) (5s/10s/30s/60s)
Power Save : Yes
Power Power Consumption (in Operation) : 1.7W (in Display Panel operation)
Power Requirements : 3.6V (battery pack)
Battery Type : NP-BX1 (supplied)
Charge on camcorder (Charging time with supplied Battery) : Yes (Approx. 4h 05min)
USB Charging DC 5V 500mA/600mA
Recording Media Type : Memory Stick Micro™ (Mark 2), Micro SD/SDHC Memory Card (Class 4 or Higher)
Still Image Mode : JPEG
Still Image Max Effective Resolution : 2.0 megapixels
Video Format : MPEG4-AVC/H.264
Video Resolution : 1920×1080/30P (HQ),1280×720/30P (STD,SLOW,SSLOW), 680×480/30P (VGA)
Video Actual (Pixel) : Approx.11900K pixels
Video Signal : HD:HDTV 1080/60p
Audio Format : MPEG-4 AAC-LC 2ch
Microphone/Speaker : Built-in Microphone, Monoral Speaker
Movie Recording Rate(Average Bit Rate/VBR) : HQ:Approx.16Mbps/ SSLOW:Approx.24Mbps/ SLOW:Approx.12Mbps/ STD:Approx.6Mbps/ VGA:Approx.3Mbps
Still Image File Format : DCF Ver.2.0 compatible, Exif Ver.2.3 compatible, MPF Baseline compatible
Still Image Size(Photo Mode) : 2.0 megapixels 16:9 (1920x1080)
Progressive Mode : Yes
Drive System Shutter Speeds : Auto Control Range: 1/30 - 1/10,000 (30fps)
Interface Memory Card Slot : Memory Stick Micro™ and Micro SD/SDHC compatible
HD Output : HDMI Out (micro)
USB Port(s) : micro-B/USB2.0 Hi-speed (mass-storage)
BRAVIA® Sync™ : Yes
Microphone Input : Stereo Minijack
HDMI Terminal : Yes (micro)
Display Panel Yes
USB Power Supply 1.5A or more is recommended
In the Box Operating Guide (1)
Rechargeable Battery Pack (NP-BX1) (1)
Waterproof Case (1)
Micro USB Cable (1)
Adhesive Mount (1)

Hello legend
Relive the glory of every hardcore, gravity-defying moment in legendary Sony quality. No other mountable POV camera matches Carl Zeiss® optics with a rugged exterior that can take on mud, snow and water. So go legend, record it all in HD, and share your shredding with the world.

As tough as you are
The HDR-AS10 is a rugged, wearable full HD video camcorder. Weighing in at just 3.2 ounces (with battery) it lets you capture your adventures on the mountain, in the water, and anywhere else you go for your adrenaline fixes.

Full-on Full HD 1080p
A 1920 x 1080 high definition resolution lets you capture every kicked up rock and every drop of sweat. Capable of 30p recording and playback via HDMI® and compatible HDTV4, the HDR-AS10 delivers stunning clarity, brilliant detail and smooth playback, no matter how rocky the trick was.

Mount awesome
The Sony Action Cam ships with two adhesive, quick-connect mounts and a ruggedized, waterproof housing good down to 197ft. (60m)*. Available accessories from Sony let you mount the Action Cam to just about wherever you can imagine. Additionally, the Action Cam's waterproof housing comes equipped with a standard-sized tripod-type screw mount that makes it compatible with a huge ecosystem of mounts right out of the box.

Stay sharp with SteadyShot
Whether you're mountain biking, skiing, skateboarding or surfing, SteadyShot® image stabilization with Active Mode delivers stunningly smooth video from wide angle to full telephoto shooting. In addition, innovative 3-Way Shake-Canceling adds electronic roll stability for even smoother video capture.

Go big and go wide
With an ultra-wide angle, professional quality Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar® lens, you'll get massive perspective from a tiny camcorder. The 170-degree viewing angle makes sure it's not just you in the picture, it's everything around you.

So slow it's epic
You're fast, but the HDR-AS10 can slow it all down. Savor the awesome with HD SLOW 2x (1280 x 720, 60p) and HD SLOW 4x (1280 x 720, 120p). It's ideal for studying and refining form and technique, while holding the moment for everyone to see. But if you need versatile, the HDR-AS10 can shoot in Full HD (1920x1080 30p), STD HD (1280x720, 30p), and SD VGA (640x480, 30p).

domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Google Nexus 4 (tech specifications)

Blog post: Google Nexus 4 (tech specifications)

Screen 4.7" diagonal
1280 x 768 pixel resolution (320 ppi)
Corning® Gorilla® Glass 2
Dimensions 133.9 x 68.7 x 9.1 mm
Weight 139g
Cameras 8 MP (main)
1.3 MP (front)
Connectivity WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n
NFC (Android Beam)
GSM/EDGE/GPRS (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
3G (850, 900, 1700, 1900, 2100 MHz)
HSPA+ 42
Wireless charging
SlimPort HDMI
Processor Qualcomm Snapdragon™ S4 Pro CPU
Memory 8GB or 16GB (actual formatted capacity will be less)
Features Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
Ambient light

Search gets smarter with Google Now
Nexus 4 comes with the latest version of Google Now to bring you just the right information at just the right time. It shows you how much traffic to expect before you leave for work, or when the next train will arrive as you’re standing on the platform.
With the latest version, Google Now keeps you even more organized – get reminders about upcoming flights, restaurant reservations, hotel confirmations and even nearby photo opportunities – when and where you need them.

You ask. Google answers
Voice Search allows you to speak your query and get a response immediately. Google can speak back to you, delivering a precise answer powered by the Knowledge Graph.

Navigate your world with Google Maps
Get to the places you care about quickly and easily with Google Maps. With turn-by-turn GPS navigation, live traffic info, and integrated driving, walking and public transit directions, getting from A to B has never been easier.
Search for restaurants, businesses and more near you. Get recommendations from people in your circles and from experts, and access full place reviews and summaries from Zagat editors.
3D Maps and rich satellite imagery give you a more realistic sense of what’s around you while features like Street View and Indoor Maps make sure you always know what’s in front of you.

A smarter keyboard, now with Gesture Typing
Writing messages is easier than ever with Gesture Typing – glide your finger over the letters to compose emails or texts in a snap. The keyboard can also anticipate and predict the next word you’re looking for. Type with one hand and you can finish entire sentences in a flash just by selecting suggested words.

Capture and share your world
Nexus 4 comes with a high-performance 8MP camera and takes stunning Photo Sphere images, letting you capture every detail of the world around you. The all new camera lets you quickly view and edit your photos with powerful new tools, and share your favorite shots in a snap.
Record HD video: Shoot video in full 1080p, and snap still shots while you're at it. Continuous focus, real-time zoom, and time lapse mode give you the power to shoot stunning videos. When your footage is ready, create your own movie with Movie Studio and upload it to YouTube.

A camera for every occasion
Quickly switch between taking photos, videos, and panoramas. To help pictures look their best, the Gallery includes a powerful photo editor. You can crop and rotate pictures, set levels, remove red eyes, add effects, and much more.

Save photos with Instant Upload
Photos upload themselves with Instant Upload so you’ll never lose a shot. If you’ve signed up for Google+, you can enable Instant Upload and photos taken with your phone are automatically uploaded to a private album on the web. Easily organize, edit and share photos with anyone you choose from your phone or on the web.

Crisp 4.7” display
Photos and videos come to life with stunning clarity and crisp, natural color on the vibrant 1280-by-768 4.7-inch display. Gently curved glass edges allow your finger to slide smoothly on and off the 320ppi screen, while cutting-edge G2 Touch Hybrid display technology means you feel like you’re touching every pixel. And all of this is protected by scratch resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass 2.

Quad-core performance
Nexus 4 comes with a cutting-edge Qualcomm Snapdragon™ S4 Pro processor, so you’ve got speed and power to spare. Zip around the web, experience rich 3D graphics and gameplay, and effortlessly switch between multiple apps without ever missing a beat. With 2GB of RAM and the fastest version of Android ever, Nexus 4 is our snappiest smartphone yet.

Share with Android Beam
Nexus 4 comes with Android Beam so you can quickly share photos, videos, contacts, apps and more with a tap. Just touch two NFC-enabled Android devices back-to-back, then beam whatever's on the screen to your friend.

Always up-to-date
Nexus 4 comes with the latest version of Android and gets updates directly from Google, so you’ll always have the fastest, most up-to-date software on your phone.

Google Wallet
Make Nexus 4 your wallet. With the free Google Wallet app on your Nexus 4, you can carry all your credit and debit cards securely with you on your phone. Just tap your phone to pay everywhere contactless payments are accepted at more than 200,000 stores across the US.

Google Play
700,000 apps and games, get all the apps and games you love on Nexus 4 – with over 700,000 titles to choose from on Google Play, there’s something for everyone. Find the most popular free and paid apps, explore hand-picked collections, browse by category or simply search for your favorites.

Your music on Google Play
Take your music anywhere with Nexus 4. Browse through the millions of songs available for purchase, or upload your existing music library to Google Play – up to 20,000 songs for free – and stream all your tracks and playlists from the cloud so you’ll never miss a beat.

Easy import from iTunes
With the Music Manager, you can easily import your entire iTunes music library* into Google Play. Once your music is imported it automatically becomes available on Nexus 4. You'll also be able to enjoy your music on the web at play.google.com/music and any other Android compatible phone or tablet.

Explore Google Play
Google Play puts all your favorite entertainment right in your hand. Explore the world's largest collection of eBooks, the latest magazines, and thousands of movies and TV shows in full HD.