quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

Open Source Software as an alternative to commercial software

Blog Post: OpenSource Software

Why choose Open Source software?
When choosing an open source product, it has advantages for the user, not only will always be available for free, as can be improved by any programmer. An Open Source program can be changed and improved because they can have access to the entire source code, any user can make suggestions or report errors, and programmers are always open to feedback, is a software made ​​by all and for all, even creating communities dedicated to the improvement of certain programs, this benefits all.

Here I present a list of software with various categories and operating systems, which you can purchase for use as an alternative to commercial products, that not everyone can afford. The quality is not always equivalent to the commercial product, but in most cases it is sufficient for the needs of the user, or to the novice user start to learn how it works.

Apache Directory ServerjavaWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FirebirdsqlWindows, Mac, Linux
MySQLsqlWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenOffice Basehsql, radWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
SQLiterdbms, slqWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
SQLToolssql, oracleWindows
SQuirreL SQL ClientsqlWindows, Mac, Linux
Web Development
BluefishhtmlMac, Linux, Unix
Eclipseide, javaWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Komodo Editide, htmlWindows, Mac, Linux
XML Copy Editorxml, dtd, xsltWindows, Linux
Concrete5websiteWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
IceBBrssWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
KompoZerhtmlWindows, Mac, Linux
Liferay PortalwebWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Nucleus CMSblogWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenLaszloapplicationsWindows, Mac, Linux
phpBBforumWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Serna FreexmlLinux
Graphic Applications
Archimedescad, svgWindows, Mac, Linux
Blender3dWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
BRL-CAD3d, cadWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FreeCAD3d, cadWindows, Mac, Linux
GimpdrawingWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Inkscape2d, vector, svgWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
K-3D3dWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
MyPaintpaintingWindows, Mac, Linux
QCad Community EditioncadLinux, Unix
Internet and Network
aMSNchatWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FileZillaftpWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FrostWirebittorrentWindows, Mac, Linux
FirefoxbrowserWindows, Mac, Linux
Thunderbirde-mailWindows, Mac, Linux
Mumblechat, audioWindows, Mac, Linux
NagiosmonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux
NeDimonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
NeverNoteorganizerWindows, Linux
OpenNMSmonitoringWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenVPNencryptionWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
PandoramonitoringWindows, Linux
PidginchatWindows, Mac, Linux
PuTTYemulatorWindows, Linux
RSS BanditrssWindows
RSSOwlrssWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
VNCremote-desktopWindows, Linux, Unix
WengoPhonechat, videoWindows, Mac, Linux
Wiresharkpacket-snifferWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
xVideoServiceThiefyoutubeWindows, Mac, Linux
Amarokmp3, player, radioLinux
Ardouraudio, recordingLinux
AudacityaudioWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Avidemuxvideo-editingWindows, Mac, Linux
DVDStylerdvd-authoringWindows, Linux
Freevomedia centerMac, Linux
HandBrakedvd copyMac
Jokosheraudio, recordingWindows, Linux
Kedenlivevideo-editingMac, Linux
LMMSaudio, recordingWindows, Linux
MPlayermedia playerWindows, Mac, Linux
MuseScoreaudio, compositionWindows, Mac, Linux
Openshotvideo-editingWindows, Mac, Linux
Taksivideo captureWindows
Traverso DAWaudio editingWindows, Mac, Linux
VLC media playermedia playerWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Security and Privacy
Anti-Spam SMTP ProxyspamWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
BleachBitclean upWindows, Linux
Clam AntiVirusanti-virusLinux, Unix
KeePasspasswordWindows, Mac, Linux
TrueCryptencriptionWindows, Mac, Linux
Wiresharkpacket-snifferWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
OpenOfficeofficeWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix
AmandabackupMac, Linux, Unix
BaculabackupWindows, Linux, Unix
CDRDAOburningWindows, Linux, Unix
Clonezilladisk-cloningWindows, Linux
Cooperative Linuxvirtual machineWindows
Greenshotscreen captureWindows
Sumatra PDFpdf creatorWindows
VirtualBoxvirtual machineWindows, Mac, Linux
Xenvirtual machineWindows, Linux
XpdfpdfWindows, Mac, Linux, Unix

18 comentários:

  1. great list, Openshot should be categorized as Video editing though.

  2. Great list - homework for the Easter weekend !

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