quarta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2019

Smartphone Zombies in Portugal 📱🧟

Smartphone zombie or Smombie is a term used by the society to describe pedestrians that walk slowly and/or without any attention to their surroundings in the street because they only focused on their smartphone or mobile devices.

The danger of being a… Smartphone Zombie


A boy arrives on a bus, and when he emerces his attention to the smartphone, no one else in the world existis. He walks and walks thorwars is destinations without any regarding to what happens around him. But sooner or later, the world crashes in to him.

This video tries to show a actual problem in our society regarding the usage of smartphones. Sometimes, people are just too focused on their smartphones when they are walking in the real world, the act like there is nothing else around them. And sometimes accidents occur in the city, when people just cross the street without looking, bump into poles or other people, fall in holes, and even get hit by traffic. The video tries to show the journey of a person arriving in the city, and when he immersed himself in the smartphone, he just transforms into a “smartphone zombie”, walking without looking to the world around him, paying no attention to the dangers around him.

This productions could look simple, and that was the objective. The frames are symmetric almost all the time. The sequences of frames make sense for the destination of the story, the person starts on the side walk, and over the time walks towards the road. I tried to record while there was no one else on the shot, but in some cases it was impossible and the people had to be digital removed in post-production.

The shots were recorded in a higher resolution so I could resize or rotate com make the image leveled and symmetrical. The color of the shots were corrected due to the clouds in the sky changed the intensity of the sun, so every shot looked like a continuous shot. Because sometimes there were people on the shot, they were completely digitally removed so the character would be the only one in the shot, making it look like he was the only persons in the world. The sound had to be manipulated sometimes, the sound of the arriving bus was created so that had spatial movement in the show, and the sound of the steps sometimes are from another shot because either it make no sound when walking in that specific pavement or because there was wind sound in the microphone.

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